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Top 10 Blog Posts of 2022

As we enter the new year, we’d like to take the time to round up our top ten blog posts from 2022. Check out the highlights from this past year and get some great tips for your organization’s wellness program as we head into 2023.

It’s a New Year and getting more exercise is a popular goal for new year’s resolutions. What better way to do this than jumping rope? It’s convenient, portable, and way cheaper than buying an expensive piece of exercise equipment. It can even get you connected to your inner child by thinking back and remembering what it was like jumping rope on the playground. Read the article to learn more about the benefits of this fun workout.

People are creatures of habit; we function better if we are organized and have a daily structure. Implementing a daily routine can be a habit that promotes health and well-being. While not following a daily routine can lead to increased stress, poor physical condition, choosing unhealthier foods, and poor sleeping habits. Read the article to learn how to create a daily routine that works for you!

The purpose of snacking is to hold us over in between meals. However, sometimes we just grab a quick item, and it doesn’t hold us till our next meal. If we eat balanced snacks, they can hold us until our next meal and provide other benefits, for instance, keeping our blood sugar stable, preventing overeating at meals and later in the evening, and increasing our intake of vitamins and minerals that may have been missed during mealtimes. Read the article to learn how to build your own healthy snack.

We’ve all felt the stress of a busy work week, those that feel like they are never going to end. Those weeks when we have to worry about work projects and deal with deadlines, etc. We’re supposed to only deal with this while at work, but many of us tend to bring this stress home. This work stress gets combined with home stress which can make it feel like we can never catch a break. Some stress can be beneficial, however, it is important to remember that we should be able to go home from work and relax, instead of continuing to feel that stress. Read the article for tips to reset your mind after a stressful week.

Did you know that chronic diseases affect 6 out of 10 American adults? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7 out of 10 deaths are caused by chronic diseases. For those who have a medical condition, their quality of life also tends to decrease during their later years. Because chronic diseases are largely linked to poor diet and lifestyle habits, we can modify these factors to improve health. Read the article to learn what you can do to live longer!

Bowel movements can be such a taboo or embarrassing topic. But, maybe for your health, you should start taking a peek at what yours look like every day. Your stool could be the first sign of a major health issue. Read the article to take a deep dive into what you should be looking for in that daily bowel movement.

Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button multiple times in the morning and rushing out the door skipping breakfast? We’ve all heard the saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, read the article to learn if it's true!

Ever wonder why hot chicken soup is known as a cold remedy? For centuries, it has been famous as a go-to when someone’s under the weather and wants something comforting. Yes, it can give immediate relief from the hot steam; but the real reason why it has been used for so long is that it offers many nutrients essential for our immune system. Read the article to learn which nutrients can improve our health.

In recent years, many of us have found ourselves working from home more often than before. Instead of packing a lunch, now most of us are able to whip something up in the kitchen mid-day. Read the article for five nourishing quick and easy lunch ideas possible for a 30-minute lunch break!

It’s safe to say most parents want the best for their children and hope they grow up to be healthy and free of health problems, especially the ones that can be prevented at home in the kitchen. It is a delicate balance between wanting to show and tell children about healthy eating and instilling an unhealthy relationship with food. Read the article for tips on how can we help teach those healthy eating habits without the risks.

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