Wellness Workdays' initiative recognizes the exceptional accomplishments of organizations committed to establishing best-in-class workplace wellness programs, now including a no-cost package option.
Wellness Workdays, a leading provider of measurable workplace wellness programs, announces the 2024 Best Wellness Employer survey is open for employer submissions. Developed by Wellness Workdays in collaboration with experts from Harvard Medical School and other industry experts, the Best Wellness Employer initiative recognizes the significant accomplishments of employers dedicated to improving employee wellbeing. Researchers will utilize the reported data to help build knowledge and advance the field of worksite wellness with a focus on current practices and wellness outcomes. Responses from applicants are kept strictly confidential and anonymous with no identification of any employer.
"The certification recognizes the outstanding initiatives and achievements of organizations committed to developing best-in-class wellness programs for their employees," said Debra Wein, founder and CEO of Wellness Workdays. "It was developed by industry experts to help employers gauge the overall assessment, strategy, implementation, and evaluation of their wellness programs while contributing valuable data to employee wellness research.
The Best Wellness Employer certification provides an opportunity for organizations of all sizes to highlight the successes of their wellness programs. Experts from Wellness Workdays, Harvard Medical School and other leading organizations developed the rigorous evaluation standards used to create the eligibility requirements. All programs are eligible to earn one of three merit levels – gold, silver or bronze. In 2023, eleven organizations achieved gold status, including City of Portland, Columbia Construction, Jefferson County (Colorado), Maine Financial Institutions Trust, New Balance, Norway Savings Bank, Orlando Utilities Commission, Putnam Investments, Careforth, Turner Construction Company, and Worthen Industries. Representatives from many of the gold certified organizations presented at Wellness Workdays' 10th Annual Emerging Trends in Wellness Conference. To see the full list of certified companies, visit the Best Wellness Employer website.
New for 2024, there is now an additional tier option where employers can choose to complete the Best Wellness Employer survey without paying for supplementary benefits. This option provides the opportunity for employers to receive valuable feedback on their employee wellness program and benchmark their initiatives at no cost. Visit our website to complete the survey and explore the various pricing packages.
Surveys must be submitted by January 31, 2024 to be considered for one of the three merit categories and profiled at Wellness Workdays' 11th Annual Emerging Trends in Wellness Virtual Conference on April 11, 2024.
About Wellness Workdays
Wellness Workdays is a leading provider of measurable workplace wellness programs that produce quantifiable reductions in healthcare costs and improved employee productivity. With two decades of providing outcome-based wellness solutions, Wellness Workdays has helped organizations in all industries generate greater value through improved employee health. A Certified Woman-Owned Business Enterprise, we have earned industry recognition and best practices awards for our clients, including New Balance, Turner Construction, Merck KGaA, Skanska, Brown University, the Maine Department of Transportation, Rockland Trust Bank, The Maine Bankers Association and Harvard Business School. Visit us at http://www.wellnessworkdays.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.